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Tuesday, April 12, 2011


A suddenly planned trip - not too far from the city-and lots of masti-was what recharged us for the time being.

Shantiniketan - The Abode of Peace for Maharshi Devendranath Tagore is quite true to words when you go there from the daily hum-drum of a city like Kolkata.

DAY 1 --

We started on the weekend, in fact before the weekend even strated - Friday afternoon , directly from office and rushed to the station. The train was already IN by the time we reached and so we clambered on it towards our seats. Sitting arrangement was 6+3 and two of our group members had to drop out cz of some work issues. Ahhh ....... They don't know what they missed!!

The train started and it was a small journey. We reached Bolpur station round about 8:30P.m and hopped on rickshaws, who promised to show us hotel accomodations along with the ride. So the seven of us, hopped on to four rickshaws and went hotel hopping.

Though we had already booked rooms at Hotel Chitrali (Phone No: 03463-252111, 255806), we found that it was quite far from the Vishwabharati University and so after searching at a few Hotels , we decided on at Hotel Sathi (Ph No: 03463-254630) which is at Bhubandanga. (It is said that Shantiniketan was earlier called Bhubandanga, named after Bhuban Dakat, a local dacoit).

At night there was nothing much to do, so we freshend up and roamed the streets and local handicraft shops.... ate Momos (which was not that good .. but good enuf to appetise our hungry tummies), ice creams, tea, biscuits, (made friends with a stray cat :D). Then we hopped back to the hotel tired from the journey. "Sweetened" dinner - we had that at the hotel .. and went off to sleep early for a start for next day mroning.

Day 2 -- Supposed to get up in the morning at 6, we got up at nearly 7. Maybe it was the weather or may be it was the environment, we were not even hurrying out. Hmm.. lazy mornings ... Sometimes in life , there is a feeling to go slow with everything and work on leisurely around. We were enjoying the feeling as long as it lasts. The weather was as good as our moods, cool, calm, cloudy, rainly and slightly windy. We went out by 10 and were on the road towards "Vishwabharati University", the institution started by Rabindranath Tagore, it's symbolic meaning being defined by Tagore as "where the world makes a home in a nest"..

Reaching there took us around 15 minutes. We seven on three rickshaws. One over the other ... We pranced about in the gardens of the campus after we were there.. and saw all that could be seen and understood. The "Ghari Ghar", The "Black House", Ramkinkar Baige's creations, and many more.


Afternoon, we hired a Tata Sumo to go to "Konkali tola Mandir", "Kopai Nadi" and "Khowaii Haat". "Konkalitola mandir" is a small temple, with serene and calm surroundings a few kilometers from Shantiniketan. The Kopai Nadi~river flows by, near the temple. With green fields surrounding the temple and "baul" playing music in the background gives a peaceful atmosphere.

There is a small Shiv Mandir, which remains closed this time of the year. It has five "shiva lingas" which remains immersed in the Kopai Nadi for most of the year, and is brought out from the water for seven days before "Poila Boisakh"~ 15th April, Bengali New Year, for puja and celebrations.

We went back towards the town and had our lunch at Mansi Lodge. Better food than the night before made us quite happy. Sitting together pulling legs and having lunch has a different ambience.

3:00 P.M - We started for "Khowaii Haat".

"Khowaii Haat" is a small local handicrafts market which sits every Saturday, far from the town... in middle of nowhere, surrounded by farms and eucalyptus forests. With no artificial lighting, the aura transports you to the time when such haats were as normal as day and night. The haat starts from 3 p.m and ends with dusk creeping on the horizon.

The locals bring thier handicrafts and sell. Different kinds of jewellery made from beads and seeds, hand crafted clothes, slate paintings, woodworks, and many more. (The prices are at par with the prices sold in the city ... so it needs bargaining skills to reduce the prices).

At first it felt as if it was just a small haat, with very few people, but as the evning wore on people started coming from different places. Even tourists from other countries were there for a buy.

We also picked up a few articles and spent the evening roaming around and looking at the crafts.

Returned before dusk, rested at the hotel , and went out again at night for a little more shopping from the local shops. And thats where the fun began. After shopping (and we girls gave whole credit to the boys for bearing with us :D ) we went into the university area and sat on the steps of a university building. Singing, launging, joking, dancing ... drama, nautanki ... everything .... until it was time for dinner.

Dinner started late at Manasi Lodge with Rabindra sangeet, both as appetizer and spoil sport. And the situation at that time was stupid as well as hilarous.

Back at hotel late at night, we were not ready to go to sleep. Na! Na!

Hey! Its the last night!! Lets have some fun !! .... and so we sat chatting and pulling out our shopping spoils, showing them to the boys .. who were no doubt bored to death with it until one of them started adorning himself with it .. He he he .... and the Fun continued till late...... The caretakers of the Hotel must have been cussing at us whole night .. He he he

Day 3 -- We had to return back to our homes. We woke up late ...really late.

Who wont after sleeping as late as 4 A.M ?? :-) But still we managed to go out and visit the Museum at "Uttarayan" .. It has the five houses of the Tagore Family. No cameras allowed. And there ended our tour in Shantiniketan.

The Train was at 1:10 P.M .. and like every other tours......................................,
journey towards home ended earlier than of starting it.
We reached Howrah station by 3:30 Pm.

And after that ..... Hey Friends!!! Any comments on what we did after that ??? ;)

P.S : Please comment on the blogMuri at train